Checklist of Materials
Submitting a college application involves a lot more than just dropping it in the mail. Here are some of the things you need to do in order to apply to college the right way.
Forms and Application
There’s nothing wrong with being prepared when it comes time to apply for colleges. Make sure you have all of the necessary forms and information on hand well in advance. This ensures you have plenty of time to fill out forms, gather information, ask for letters o reference and write polished essays well before you have to drop it in the mailbox to meet the submission deadline.
Double Check School Requirements
A lot of people find and apply to colleges online, which is a fantastic way to go. But here’s a tip: print out a copy of the application form and fill it in with rough draft answers. At the same time review the application requirements once more. Once you have reviewed your rough answers and are sure you fill the requirements for application, then complete your application cleanly in the online and final version.
Stay Organized
Organization is key when you have multiple college applications to keep track of. Begin with noting application deadlines on a calendar. Make checklists of all application requirements and attachments and check each off as they are completed or added. Allow yourself plenty of time to write any required essays and make sure each is original and unique to each application. You’ll also need to give personal contacts a week or so notice for letters of reference and don’t overlook the application fees.
Proofread the Application Packet
Before you mail or submit online your college applications, make sure you proofread the entire application packet. Online applications can be convenient, but they also make it easier for students to rush the application process.
*Tip: When completing college applications online first write your answers in a Word document. Edit and proofread there, first. Then, once you’re completely satisfied with your answers, copy and paste them into the appropriate spaces on the online application form.
Submit Applications Early
A good rule of thumb for college application submissions: submit early. Whatever you do don’t miss the deadline, which you should have had marked on a calendar for months. Last minute applications often indicate rushed essays and possibly missing information and documents
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